Courtesy English Essay - Deep Existence

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Courtesy English Essay


Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy

Courtesy means excellence of manners or polite behaviour. It, of course, from good breeding and kindness of heart. A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everybody. He observes good manner on all occasions and always respects the feelings of others When people meet, they greet one another saying "good morning" or "good evening according to the time of the day. Muslims greet one another, saying "Alam-o-Alaikum," and they often ask about each other's health and well being.

Good manners of a person comes from a good Household, it doesn't come up in a short time, it took a time being from birth to till ages it requires a lot of parents to brought up a child with good manners and a courteous person.

A Muslim greeting a kind of wish, a prayer for mutual happiness, peace and security. 

The Holy Quran lays stress on this form of greeting in sura Al-Noor verse 61. 

If you know two persons who happen to be strangers, it is your duty to induce  them to each other. If both are men, you introduce the younger to the older Please meet my elder brother..... If both are women, but one married and the other single. You introduce the later to the former. If one is a man and the other a woman, it goes without saying that you introduce the man to the woman, and not the other way round. You pronounce both names clearly if they are males and the two persons shake hands, saying "How do you do!" Good manners demand that you make no attempt to jump the queue. In a crowded bus, if you are physically fit. you give up your sear to an elderly person or to someone who is blind, disabled or sick.

 You have to say "Thank You" to those who are good to you. Courtesy really makes everyday life more pleasant, more friendly and more meaningful.

Help others and share happiness with each other say thank you and welcome 
Greet each other....

Courtesy: A Virtue that Elevates Society

In a world often marked by haste and impersonal interactions, the value of courtesy shines as a timeless virtue. Courtesy, often defined as polite behavior and respect towards others, serves as the glue that binds individuals and societies together. It is a beacon of civility that transcends cultural boundaries and time periods, embodying the fundamental principles of empathy, kindness, and consideration.

At its core, courtesy reflects a profound sense of empathy. It requires individuals to put themselves in the shoes of others, recognizing their feelings, needs, and perspectives. By doing so, we create a harmonious environment where people feel valued and understood. Whether it's holding the door open for someone, offering a warm greeting, or listening attentively, small acts of courtesy demonstrate our ability to connect with fellow human beings on a deeper level.

Furthermore, courtesy fosters kindness in our interactions. It reminds us that beneath the surface, we are all equal in our humanity. Regardless of our differences in age, gender, race, or social status, courtesy encourages us to treat each other with fairness and benevolence. It is the antidote to discrimination and prejudice, promoting inclusivity and unity in diverse societies.

Courtesy is not confined to mere surface-level politeness. It extends to the realm of consideration, where individuals consciously make an effort to avoid causing discomfort or inconvenience to others. This consideration is evident in actions such as yielding one's seat on public transportation to someone in need or refraining from loud and disruptive behavior in quiet spaces. Such acts reflect an awareness of the shared space we inhabit and the importance of preserving harmony within it.

Moreover, courtesy transcends individual interactions; it has a ripple effect that influences entire communities and societies. A courteous society is characterized by reduced conflict, increased cooperation, and a higher quality of life for its members. When courtesy becomes a cultural norm, it paves the way for constructive dialogue and mutual understanding, even in the face of disagreement.

In professional settings, courtesy is a cornerstone of successful collaboration and effective communication. Business etiquette, characterized by punctuality, respectful communication, and consideration for colleagues, enhances productivity and fosters a positive work environment. Employers and employees who embrace courtesy create an atmosphere that encourages creativity and innovation.

In conclusion, courtesy is not merely a set of formalities or superficial gestures; it is a profound expression of our shared humanity. It bridges gaps, resolves conflicts, and elevates our interactions with one another. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us not forget the timeless virtue of courtesy. By practicing empathy, kindness, and consideration in our daily lives, we contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and compassionate world, one courteous interaction at a time.

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